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New York City Diamond District- Then and Now

The two diamond pylons at the entrance of West 47th Street and Fifth Avenue signify that you are about to enter the world famous Diamond District, located in the heart of New York City. This single block is considered by many to be the jewelry mecca of the world. On West 47th street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, shoppers can find the largest selection of fine jewelry, watches, diamonds, and gemstones in a wide variety of styles and designs. Most merchants in the Diamond District carry out their businesses through jewelry exchanges and booths while a select few retailers like Lauren B Jewelry, have their own private stores. While some may bemoan the Diamond District for its aggressive sales tactics, Lauren B Jewelry differentiates themselves by offering customers a comfortable, hassle free atmosphere.
The original Diamond District in New York was located on Maiden Lane, in close proximity to Wall Street and Manhattan’s financial center. During the early 20th Century, jewelers began feeling pressure from the expanding financial industry in this area, and sought refuge from higher office space rents in a new area, located in Midtown Manhattan . Local real estate developers looked to capitalize on this with the initial jewelry building being constructed at 20 West 47th street. Other real estate developers quickly followed suit by creating new jewelry buildings one at a time along this block. By the early 1930’s, the mass exodus of jewelers from downtown to the newly furnished midtown Diamond District was complete. As years passed, jewelers from across the world have migrated to this area.